母亲的早逝、姐姐的出嫁令少女艾玛(格温妮斯.帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)很快就成了哈菲尔德大宅的女主人,在成功撮合了她的家庭教师泰勒小姐(格列塔.斯卡奇 Greta Scacchi 饰)与韦斯顿先生(詹姆斯.卡沙莫 James Cosmo 饰)的美好姻缘后,艾玛更加意气风发。这次艾玛又将目标对准了她的好友——出身平凡的哈丽叶特小姐(托妮.科莱特 Toni Collette 饰),她准备将哈丽叶特小姐介绍给当地的牧师——绅士埃尔顿先生(艾伦.卡明 Alan Cumming 饰)。为此,艾玛不
Plot Summary for Galopin, Le (1996) (TV) Victor, an unemployed physicist, is hired to serve at an old champagne manufacturer' house. Old man's obsession with women, especially the one who he loved and then lost during the WWII, makes his
Can't say too much without giving crucial elements away. Just saw this at a screening in Boston and thought it was one of the more clever independent films I've seen in the past two years. Any cinema buffs, sci-fi fans, or documentary-lo
查理·普莱斯本以为会和自己野心勃勃的未婚妻尼古拉一起逃离死气沉沉的家乡北安普顿,到外面的世界闯荡一番,然而家中突发不幸,老父亲意外辞世,把家族产业Price & Sons鞋厂留给了他。这家鞋厂具有悠久历史,从查理记事时起就开始生产坚固耐用的男鞋。查理自然接手了鞋厂的管理重任,但他很快发现,鞋厂已经濒临破产,必须解雇15位忠心耿耿的老员工。 查理难于启齿告知这些追随者工厂即将倒闭,背负着巨大压力,查理辗转各地处理库存,并在陌生之地邂逅了“变装皇后”劳拉。虽然查理不能接受劳拉的变装嗜好
Les, a small-time celebrity photographer(Buscemi) desperate to make it big befriends Toby, a homeless young man(Pitt) with no direction except a vague desire to become an actor. When by chance Toby becomes romantically involved with K'Harma Leeds