Royal Tenenbaum45岁那年夫妻分居,他一个人去住酒店,独自抚养孩子的妻子Etheline把所有重心都放在了孩子才能的培养方面。不负众望,他们的三个孩子个个都是天才,她以此写作了一本素——《天才一族》。 大儿子Chas12岁时就对生意运筹帷幄,初中就购置不动产,对财务有着超同寻常的理解。二女儿Margot两岁时被收养,这个话题被父亲叨叨终身以致Matgot有点神经质地耿耿于怀。这个天才剧作家9岁时就赢得了勇士奖。Richie从三年级起就是冠军网球选手,业余喜爱组乐队和收藏汽车模型以及绘画,1
Max is a real jerk. A long time ago, the successful lawyer had turned over all the routine duties of family life to his wife Nathalie.His comfort and leisure time were a far greater priority. Sell the roadster and buy an efficient family car? No way!But t