When a group of ghost hunters investigate the infamous Jericho Manor, they soon realise it's not just ghosts that go bump in the night! As people get murdered, the survivors need to discover who or what's killing them before it'
在一次行动,三剑客被米莱迪(米拉•乔沃维奇 Milla Jovovich 饰)和白金汉公爵(奥兰多•布鲁姆 Orlando Bloom 饰)背叛暗算,以失败归隐告终乡间。三年后,练就一手好剑术的达达尼昂(罗根•勒曼 Logan Lerman 饰)初出茅庐,来到巴黎投奔火枪队长特雷维尔(马修•麦克费登 Matthew Macfadyen 饰),与三剑客不打不相识,意外成为惺惺相惜的好友,同时也偶遇王后侍女,与之一见倾心。不久后众人意外得知权倾朝野的红衣教主黎塞留(克里斯托弗•沃尔兹 Christoph Wa